Sunday, April 15, 2012

After School

My mom has me involved in an after school program because she is so busy now with work and the wedding. She says that she wants to have a wedding by the end of the summer so she needs to start planing it all now. I wish she would realize sooner that Max is a huge loser so she doesn't waste her time planning this thing.

Anyhow, I just got back from the program. It goes from 3-5. Mom or Max usually pick me up. We have the option to play sports (no thank you), play an instrument, or do an art project. I of course do art. I hated this to start with but i'm actually starting to like it better. I met a boy named Joey who is pretty cool and is very good at art. He showed me how to do this really cool project with crayons where you glue them to a canvas and when you apply heat the color drains out of them. It comes out looking like the crayons are shooting the color out onto the canvas. Its at school drying but once im done I'll upload a picture to show you guys. Anyhow, I'm glad I met Joey. The program is on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays.

As far as my "OCD" is concerned, mom is very pleased with how relaxed I've been recently. The other week I went out into the woods and gathered twigs for a project that I thought would be cool. I didn't even wash my hands when I got back, I just got right to building. But the project didn't come out as I had hoped which resulted in a minor mental breakdown of crying and throwing the sticks and then taking a 20 minute shower to rid myself of the filthy woods, but hey the first 30 minutes were good. Mom says its about baby steps, and taking things in stride. I think I will try to start doing this more.

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