Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Not much has happened in the past week. My school had break for a week. I spent my days catching up on reading, doing puzzles and putting together a photo album. My last few posts got me thinking about my dad so I asked mom to dig up to old photos. Turns out she had a lot more than I thought we had, so I put together a book. Mom even helped me. We've been getting along better recently. I can't have her turn against me, especially with Max creeping into the picture. He is enemy number 1 and I can't let her stupid decisions threaten my taking him down. Although I will give him credit for introducing me to a really cool new activity-it might even be my new favorite. It's called a "sudoku" puzzle. It's really fun. You have a grid and within that is 9 smaller grids. For each mini grid, row, and column you have to have the numbers 1-9 and no repeats. Max got a little too excited about his introduction and tried to do it with me the other morning but I quickly told him to buzz off. My favorite days are Friday and Saturday because they are the hardest. I love the challenge though.

We had a soccer practice on Tuesday for the Tornadoes. Everyone has been friendlier to me since the water bottle incident. I have a feeling one of the mom's sent out an email warning their kids that I am a crazy person and could be dangerous if further provoked. But mom says that silly and maybe the girls just decided to give me a second chance. I have trouble believing the latter. Anyhow, as much as a I hate to admit it, I'm starting to enjoy playing soccer. I'm pretty good too if I don't say so myself. My coach says I have the best throw in on the team. That's when the ball goes out of bounds and you have to throw it back in over your head with both hands. There's more to it than that, like foot placement. And if you mess up your feet you could get a penalty. Most girls mess up- that's why I'm so good, also I can throw it the farthest than my teammates. We have our first game in a few weeks and coach says we still have work to do but he's seeing an improvement.

Max got me a ball to practice with, so too everyone's surprise(even my own) I have been going outside more. I just run in the house every 20 minutes though to wash my hands, I may like soccer now but I'm not an idiot.


  1. I'm more of a crossword gal myself. I can solve the New York Time's Sunday crosswords certainly, but I am no match for Sudoku puzzles!

  2. Lillian,

    So glad to hear you're getting out there, playing soccer, and really enjoying it. That's great. Perhaps instead of going in to wash your hands every 20 minutes, you can carry a mini bottle of hand sanitizer? Sanitizer is a bit rougher on the skin, but certainly just as effective. I recently ordered some in bulk online. What I would do with out it, I don't know.

    I'm with Beatrice on the crossword puzzles, but Sudoku puzzles are good fun, too!
